Sunday, June 19, 2011

Internet Security

Log Out of Accounts and Close the Browser for better security. Two new instances of hackers taking advantage of individuals who make a habit of leaving email and facebook accounts logged in. One was a facebook account where the hackers posted 2 comments on a wall of a very inappropriate nature. The owner of the account had not been on facebook for several days and was alerted by friends who knew it was not the owners "style" of post. The other was an email account where the entire contact list received a message that the person was in England on vacation and had been robbed of all cash, credit cards, etc. It was a plea for money to be sent to England to pay the hotel bill. Needless to say the person known to all was at home getting phone calls from all their friends. In both cases the person was in the habit of not logging out or closing their browser.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

NEOtech Conference March 18, 2011

What did you enjoy about the conference?

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


The sites below were introduced in the breakout session by the keynote speakers. I am systematically working my way through the list to develop ways to use each in my classroom for higher level thinking/learning. I have already used Google Earth, Skype, Wordle and Wiffiti Some are blocked at school by NEOnet. Ironically NEOnet was the organizer of the NEOtech Conference who hired the keynote speakers. You can see more about these at Mike & Garth's blog.
GOOGLEARTH in the Marketing Classroom

Today my Marketing students were required to find the Marketing Functions, text one of the functions to the Wiffiti on my blog to create a moving word cloud on that topic. Tomorrow they will learn to create their own and discuss the marketing business application.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Marketing Functions

What are the Functions of Marketing?
Just learning and practicing with Wiffiti. The one below was created by "The Innovative Educator", not by me. I just copied and pasted the embed code to my blog to see if it works. Next I will create my own to use with students.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Attended the NeoTech Conference in Akron, Ohio last Friday. It is so enjoyable to get together with over 400 technology teachers from NE Ohio to share ideas. I always come away feeling so excited to take my technology students to the next level! Thank you to NEOnet for sponsoring this event.